
Move over Gwyneth, Cameron Diaz is after your smug lifestyle guru crown! As she announces a new wellbeing book, FEMAIL takes a look at Cam's words of wisdom

Cameron Diaz is following in the footsteps of her famous friend Gwyneth Paltrow by reinventing herself as a lifestyle guru.
The actress, who will turn 40 this month, has secured a deal with Harper Collins to write a health and well-being guide that will include her diet and fitness tips.
A spokesperson for the publisher said Diaz aims to 'engage and empower' women with her advice.
The book will hit the shelves next year but if you can't wait that long, FEMAIL have pulled together the pearls of wisdom Cameron has previously shared in interviews...

During an appearance on Oprah, Cameron revealed her favourite recipe is 'savoury oatmeal' which she makes for breakfast. The meal is a twist on porridge - cooking oats with water, chicken broth, kale, leeks, shallots and any other green vegetable. She serves it with scrambled egg whites on the side.
Cameron said she does have to watch what she eats to stay in shape. 'I'm off the fried foods. I'm very thoughtful about what I eat. If you're gonna do heavy lifting, and you want to stay small, you have to watch what you eat. You have to give your body the right nutrients and really think about what’s best for it,' she told Elle.

The actress has said she has to work hard to maintain her enviable toned arms and wash-board stomach. But she doesn't view her five-times a week workouts as a chore because for her, exercise is a way of life.
Bikini body: The actress keeps in shape by exercising regularly
Bikini body: The actress keeps in shape by exercising regularly
'Exercise for me is like eating, sleeping, and breathing,' she told Harper's Bazaar. 'I'm consistent, and when I'm not consistent, it shows up on my body. I get really skinny, and I know it might sound like, "Well, good for you." But the body that people talk about is not me trying to stay slim, it's the one where I work hard to keep weight on me.'

The actress once admitted to Harper's Bazaar that she hasn't always made the right choices when it comes to Mr Right. 'Who doesn’t like the bad boy, until you grow up and realize bad boys are not the way to go?' she said.
The ex factor: Her relationship with Justin Timberlake didn't last but the pair are still friends
The ex factor: Her relationship with Justin Timberlake didn't last but the pair are still friends
In a separate interview with Cosmopolitan magazine, she admitted 'marriage hasn't been important to me,' and she's still single after high-profile failed relationships to stars including Jared Leto, Justin Timberlake and Alex Rodriguez. When it's been her partner's decision to end the relationship, she said: 'I don't call it dumped. I call it divine intervention.'
But the actress remains philosophical about her love life. 'I would rather have my heart broken a thousand times than never to love at all,' she said to In Style. 'I have so much love to give - I'm not empty of love, I’m full of love.'

Cameron once told Cosmo she doesn't think women should feel ashamed if they choose to remain childless.
''I think women are afraid to say that they don't want children because they're going to get shunned,' she said. 'But I think that's changing too now. I have more girlfriends who don't have kids than those that do.
'And honestly? We don't need any more kids. We have plenty of people on this planet.'

And while the actress hasn't ruled out having children herself yet, she told Vogue: 'You know how you have these moments of feeling dissatisfied and you think, "What would make my life better?".

'Well, I've yet to go, "Aha, that's it: a child!"'

Sex appeal: Cameron said her clothes 'revolve around her breasts', like this Victoria Beckham designed dress
Sex appeal: Cameron said her clothes 'revolve around her breasts', like this Victoria Beckham designed dress
As she prepares to turn 40, Cameron isn't at all worried about how the passage of time will affect her appearance. In fact, the star said she loves ageing.
'When I was in my 20s, I couldn't wait to get to my 30s. Now that I'm in my 30s, I'm so looking forward to my 40s. I love getting older,' she told Jay Leno.
This means she isn't rushing to hold back the years herself and recommends other people accept her 'do or die' attitude.

'I'm appreciating my skin and my wrinkles and all those things because you cannot stop aging, you can’t,' she told Harper's Bazaar. 'The only way to stop it is if you die. But that’s not a great alternative.'

She told Vogue that if she did have to pinpoint her secrets for eternal youth, she would recommend 'exercise, healthy diet, lots of water, lots of laughter, lots of sex - yes, sex, we need that as human beings. It's healthy, it's natural, it's what we are here to do!'

The star is a fan of Victoria Beckham dresses and has worn them on numerous red carpet occasions.
She also admits: 'Everything I wear tends to revolve around my breasts. It's not because I'm trying to be sexy, but because I find wearing a bra extremely uncomfortable.
'Basically, I like to wear short skirts that show my stomach. Or little baby doll dresses that are open at the top and super short at the bottom.'
The actress has revealed she loves to shop at Versace and Giorgio Armani and that she also has 'a serious shoe fetish'.
'Come on, a girl can never have too many sandals!' she told the Daily Mail.

She added in the interview that less is more when it comes to swimwear. 'I don't like tan-lines, so I try to get the smallest bikini possible.'

Cameron told teen magazine Seventeen that she thinks it's important to have a work-life balance.
'I did film after film after film after film. It was an amazing experience that I'm so thankful for but I got to the point where I was like, "I don't have a house. I don't have any place to put my bags. I haven't seen my family. I have no friends." In life you have to have a balance.'
She added: 'I don't think my career or my life is a competition. I didn't feel like I had to be somewhere for any other reason than if I wanted to be there.'

