
Stars to Help Others Make Better Tattoo Machine Parts

Tattoos are an art form that has always been accompanied by controversy. In fact, for many years tattoo parlors have been outlawed in certain states of the United States. Just recently, Oklahoma finally relented and removed their laws prohibiting tattoo parlors in the State of Oklahoma - the last state in the Union to do so.

There are several considerations when one ponders the pros and cons of taking such a permanent step towards changing one's own body. The first, and possibly foremost, point to address seriously is simply the permanency of the final result. Is this art work something you are willing to carry with you through the remainder of your life? Is the location of the tattoo you are considering ever going to be embarrassing, or is it going to be a problem for you when you are seventy years old, with your grand kids on your lap asking the kinds of questions only a child could ask?

Just think about the elderly people you see at the beach with faded tattoos in odd places... Sometimes you just have to wonder how they decided on that tattoo. Consider the kinds of questions people will ask when you are explaining why you have 56 stars on your face! (See the story of Kimberly Vlaminck at the Tattoo Trouble website at: idelalhere.com) Think about that for a while before you proceed.

Another point to seriously consider is simply the talent of the tattoo artist you are considering to tattoo your body. Tattoo artists are not equally skilled - some are miracle workers, while with others, it should be considered a miracle that they even have a job. A tattoo is only as good as the finished product, and in some ways, the finished product can be affected by every ink line from the beginning of the process to the end.

